Carol Allen
Dorothy Banks
Cheryle Blake
Edwina Branch
Cecelia Callaway
Frances Carter
Lillyan Chrichlow-Carter
Doris Coleman
Grace Crichlow
Ada Dean
Marie Gaines
Mary Good
Mary Grimstead
Amy Harrison
Jeanne Heningburg
Loretta Hodge
Edith Hurt
Marjorie Kay
Marion Kinchelow
Elizabeth Leach
Alison Moore
Eleanor Newton
Rosie Noble
Dorothy Oliver
Marguerite Page
Sylvia Paterson
Julia Pinderhughes
Joan Reeves
Jayne Rich
Joyce Robinson
Elnora Smith
Frieda Smith
Ella Sweeney
Hortense Tate
Barbara Taylor
Marva Tidwell
Jane White
Joan Wiggins-Reeves
Carolyn Nunery
Dariel Haythe
Gail Velox
Joan Wiggins-Reeves
Regina Lee Nickson
Mary Bentley LaMar *
Denise L. Taylor
Gail Davis
Stacie Jean Newton
Althia Reed Tweiten
Deborah McBrayer Wilson
Emily Nichols-Mitchell
[January 2021 - November 2021]
Jasmine D. Malloy
[November 2021-2022]
Candace Jefferson
[January 2023-Current]
*34th North Atlantic Regional Director (2018- 2022)
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